paperI would like to welcome all of the children back and hope you all had a restful Easter break! It is hard to believe that we are now in the final term of Primary 4 – this year has really flown by. This is always a busy term and the children have come back to school with fantastic attitudes towards their learning. We have lots of fun things to look forward to this term as well as lots of hard work!

As part of our Personal and Social Development and RME, we will be learning about different creation stories and our place in looking after the world we live in. We will be continuing with our Star of the week, which will be announced during our weekly assemblies.

This year we will have P.E with Mrs Brown every Monday and with myself on a Friday so please ensure that your child takes their P.E kit with them to school on these days. We will also be continuing with our Healthy Heart topic and will be focusing on running and dance.  Please could you also supply your child with gym shoes, a hair tie if necessary and ensure all clothing is labelled to avoid items ending up in Lost Property. Also as part of our Health we will be learning about Fitness and Nutrition. This will involve looking at how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The children will also have a weekly Library visit every Friday afternoon.  Children are also free to bring in appropriate books from home that they would like to read during class reading time.

In Literacy the class are focusing on newspaper report writing and fact-files, linked to our topic work. We will also continue to practice our imaginative writing and talking and listening skills. In reading we will continue to focus on the different comprehension skills. We will also be continuing to develop our VCOP skills to help up level our work as part of Big Writing.  Self and peer assessment will also be a focus this year so that the children are aware of what to do to further improve their work. Finally we will be encouraging the children to become more independent in their work by editing their writing carefully.

In Maths we are going to be focusing on multiplication and division strategies we will also be looking at time. We will also continue to practise our mental maths and problem solving skills and we will link these to everyday situations. Continued practise of multiplication tables greatly helps all areas of our maths and this will also be a focus this session.

In Science we will be investigating the Water Cycle . We will be researching the different states of water and learning about its importance in the world. We will also be carrying out some experiments to help our understanding.

This term we will continue to teach the children some basic French we will be using the 1+2 language programme and this will continue throughout the year. We will also link our topic to French whenever possible!

Our Topic this term will be exploring Natural Disasters. We will be looking at the difference between man-made and natural disasters and the causes of them. We will be studying some well known disasters and the impact that this had on the land and the people that lived there. We will also be investigating where these disasters have happened and locating them on a map.

Homework will be posted on the blog every Monday and we post reports and pictures related to our learning each Friday in our Learning Blog!  Fridays are our Outdoor Learning Days, although we may go out at other times.  Accordingly it is important that the children have suitable attire – this could mean a warm jacket or could mean a sun hat.

Finally, we will be visiting Farr Woods on the 25th May 2017 more information will follow.

If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through the school office.

B MacDonald

Primary 4 Class Teacher